How do I cancel an order?
You can cancel your order online before the product has been shipped and give you the option to make purchase other items of the same value or less value (cancelation charges may applicable).
Unfortunately, an order cannot be cancelled in case your product has been shipped or delivery has already been made.
once you place your order and if you want to cancel your order than we will charge 20% of your order value as cancelation charge.
How can I cancel items in my order?
You can cancel an item in your order, till the item is shipped by the seller
In order to cancel an item in your order:
Log into your account and go to the 'My Orders' page
Identify the item you want to cancel and click on the corresponding 'View Details' link
On the detailed order page, you will see 'Cancel' links against each of the items in that order
Click on the 'Cancel' link, indicate the reason for cancellation, and confirm cancellation
Once your cancellation request is created, we will ensure that the cancellation is processed as soon as possible
Why do I see a disabled 'Cancel' link?
A disabled 'Cancel' link can mean the following things:
- The item has already been shipped by the seller
- The item has a quantity greater than one associated with it
- The item is non-refundable (example, e-Gift Vouchers, Wallet Top-Ups, etc)
- In any of the above cases, you can get in touch with our Customer Support for more information
How long will it take to process my cancellation request?
you request the cancellation of item(s) in your order, it will take us a
maximum of 5-8 business days to cancel the order. You will be notified
of the same. We never return the money, we give the option to our
customers to make purchase other items of the same value or less value
from our store -
What are the modes of refund available after cancellation?
In order to confirm the cancellation of item(s) in your order, you need to indicate your refund preference.
We never return the money, we give the option to our customers to make purchase other items of the same value or less value (cancelation charges may applicable) from our store -
How do I return an order?
Unfortunately, an order cannot accept a return in case your product has been shipped or delivery has already been made.
only wrong item(s) will accept Return with vailed proof. before return contact us.
Low Order Fees -
Minimum Order Require Rs. 360.00 INR.
Rs. 60.00 will be charged as low order charges.
Cancellation Fees/Charges -
Minimum 20% of your order value.
Important Notice
Delay In Delivery
Due to heavy load of orders, their may be a delay in delivery. It may take 15 to 20 days to Dispatch your order from our office and may take another 45 to 60 days to deliver the order to your place. Also, it may be possible that in some cities home delivery may not be possible at your place in that case you need to collect the parcel from the nearest courier office which will be informed to you.